Friday, August 24, 2007

And We'll Make it Velvet Brown

Last night, Dawn decided to dye her hair, and got the help of wonderful housemate Brit to help.

So what's leftover, is my really blackened comb (which I know I will have no use of anymore), velvet brown hair for Dawn (it was supposed to be black dye. hm..), and................. photos!


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Mahjulah Singapore-ah

I am still very much Singaporean. And I definitely miss home.
The food at least.

Laska, chicken rice, calbee prawn crackers (the cheapest i found so far is A$1.80!), yong tau foo, fishball noodles, fried rice (from across the road where I live), BAK KUT TEH, ice kachang, SEASONS ICE LEMON TEA, mom's cooking (although sometimes i can cook better :p), mee goreng (the one I had the other day was like noodles with curry powder. yuck), PENG KUEH, TEH PENG (the milk tea here is horrible), nasi briyani ....
Basically everything at a hawker centre. I miss seeing hawker centres.

And I miss talking to people so much in Singlish. I have to be 2-mouthed here - Speak angmohish to the angmohs, and singlish to the singaporean babes.


Last Thursday was National Day. So while you people back home were busy celebrating the day off, so was I. but it was belated for me, cause my celebration was on Friday.

But was awesome.


Hah! Multi-cooker working its magic

And the people who made it a blast

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

You are Really Dumb

well, I am.

today i went out with the girls for marketing. again. seems to be becoming some sort of a routine for us.

Anyway, we headed for Coles-Kmart down in Vermont South, and I thought I'd pop by VideoEzy to just check out rental Dvds. It's not too bad. For weekly rentals. its $3, and there are specials if you rent more. Definitely got really good new releases. And I like the place.

So I thought I'd get myself 2 Dvds for the week.

Payment was abit of a hassle initially cause the laydee at the counter said i needed to be a member etc. and requested proof of residence, passport yadda yadda. which i didn't have.
So dear meiying signed up for membership instead.
(Okay, the good thing about OZ so far is that you. dont. have. to. pay. for. membership. fee! not like in Singapore. Everything also rip you off)

And then I wanted to make payment for the Dvds, and I asked the laydee, "Do you accept NETS?"

*blank stare*

*meiying and pauline double blank stares at me*


"OHHHHH!!!! Not NETS! What is it called here?!"


"OHHHH!!! hahahahahha!!!!!"

kind of dumb right. but excuse me. i've been here for only 1 month. and i've never used that whatever EFTPOS service.

Monday, August 6, 2007


Time does fly by. It's been a month since I left Singapore for Melbourne.
Things are picking least my assignments are.
And the rest of my life, besides school, is pretty mundane.
I go to school, come home, laze about, try to do revision, play some games, cook, watch tv, go to sleep.


the girls came over last friday to be guinea pigs for my latest dessert (name unknown).
i've had pretty good reviews from them and from around the residence but i do have higher expectations of myself when it comes to my food, and don't think it was all that fantastic. oops. there's definitely much room for improvement - like texture and uhmm...appearance.



"everything we are now, is everything we can't let go"

kudos to fiona for some of the photos. there are more here