Saturday, July 14, 2007

Five, Six, Seven...

When I left Singapore last Saturday, there was abit of excitement, more of apprehension. I mean i've never lived apart from mom and dad, ben and just, and all my friends. Never been to Australia, and could never imagine what having to do everything by myself felt like.

So when I had to give up the days of sleeping in, and just bumming around during my short 3 month post-graduation break, I somehow felt kind of disheartened. Back to books, back to research, projects, assignments, and just more use-your-brain work.

The 2 days before I left for Australia, I was busy throwing clothes at my mom, shoving toothpaste, hair conditioner, facial foam and the what-nots into zip lock bags, and wandering around my bedroom.
I wasn't exactly completely ready to go. Well, not emotionally. Though I had practically brought along 9/10th of my room with me, what I really needed the most were the people.
The people who really meant the most.

So to ALL you people back home. HELLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

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